David Hoyt Entertainment
Gold Level Master of Ceremony DJs in Arizona!
I have detailed my training in a past blog. You can read about it here. Since I wrote that post I’ve done a few more workshops….so I guess I’ll have to update it soon. I’ll actually be doing another two-day storytelling workshop this week in Las Vegas with Mark and Rebecca Ferrell so I’ll wait til next week to do so. 🙂
I’m writing this post today to let you know that for the past two years I have been the only DJ in Arizona that had attended The MarBecca Method’s Bronze, Silver and Gold Master of Ceremony two-day workshops. As of last Friday that is no longer the case. My good friend, fellow DJ and Grooms Workshop partner, Budd Moyer of Rosebud Entertainment, is now the second DJ in all of Arizona to complete the Gold Level training.
You might be asking, “Why do David and Budd continue to do training after training? Why have they spent literally thousands of dollars and many hours opening themselves and their performance up to scrutiny and shaping? Who even knew there was training for mobile DJs?!?!”
Budd and I don’t do it so we can have a little certificate on our wall. We don’t do it so we can tell our couples that we’ve done it…because honestly, they don’t care and they shouldn’t. What clients and potential clients should care about is that we do the training’s so we can be the absolute best we can be for them because they trusted us enough to hire us for their once-in-a-lifetime wedding. It should show that we care enough to do the work to get better than we are today.
20 years of experience in the DJ world is typically one year of experience repeated 19 times.
When hiring a DJ stop asking them about music, lights or price. Try asking them specifically about the last time they received training and what it was…..and then watch their eyes gloss over and the sweat form on their brow.
David Hoyt
David Hoyt Entertainment
Call or text me at (602) 748-8469 or drop me an email at david@davidhoytentertainment.com to find out more.
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